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Wayne County Sheriff's Office

Heads Up from the WCSO Director of Tech

How to Spot Credit Card Skimmers and Scammers


WCSO Director of Technology Stephen Yatooma has compiled a comprehensive tip sheet with what you need to know to avoid being victimized by the credit card fraud that’s in the Metro Detroit area right now.


  • It Takes seconds to install a skimmer
  • Devices store the data that can be downloaded or transferred Wireless using Bluetooth
  • The Device Collects Cardholder Name, Expiration Date, and Cars Number.

What Do They do With the Data?

  • Make unauthorized purchases online or over the phone
  • Sell the data to other scammers for a profit
  • Use it for identity theft
  • Create counterfeit cards

What does a credit card skimmer look like?

Credit card skimmers are designed to look like they’re part of the POS system they’re attached to. Some skimmers fit over the original card reader in the machine but may appear more bulky.

How to spot a credit card skimmer

  • Look at the card reader
    First, check to see if the card reader looks intact. Is there any piece of the machine that’s bulging, raised or out of alignment?
  • Inspect the card reader
    You can also try to feel around the card reader for a skimmer. If the machine feels like it’s coming apart in some places or like a piece of it isn’t sturdy or properly installed, that’s a sign that a skimmer could be in place.
  • Check the security seal
    At gas pumps, you can look for skimming devices by checking to see if there’s an intact security seal near the card reader. If the pump panel is open or it has a broken seal, the FTC says the label will read void. That’s a sign that there might be a skimmer installed.
  • Compare with other gas pumps and machines
    If you’re at a gas station, take a quick look at the other pumps around you to see if they look the same as yours. Do the card slot and keypad at your pump look about the same as the others? If not, or if anything looks like it’s bulging or out of place, that might be a sign of a skimmer.


  • Look for a card Reader or Keypad Sticking Out
  • Look for Hidden Cameras
  • Choose a fuel pump that is closer to the store and in direct view of the attendant.
  • Choose a Lit Gas Stations
  • Run your debit card as a credit card.
  • Consider paying inside with the attendant, not outside at the pump.
  • Tap the card instead of swiping or inserting it when paying at the pump (if the card and terminal allow for it). Tap-to-pay transactions are more secure and less likely to be compromised.
  • Apple Pay and Google Pay
  • Monitor Your Credit Cards
  • EBT Cards are a Target – Plans are in Place to Convert them to Chips
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