
Wayne County Jail Dashboard

The Wayne County Jail Dashboard is powered by generous grant support from the
Hudson-Webber Foundation and the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network.


Wayne County Jail Dashboard

The Wayne County Jail Dashboard is powered by generous grant support from the Hudson-Webber Foundation and the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network.

The Jail Dashboard is an interactive tool that provides information from the Wayne County Jail’s management system. It is updated every day and provides summary information about the current inmate population including the demographic makeup of current jail inmates, the types of supervised facilities, how long inmates have stayed, their types of Bookings and Arrest Types, Housing availability, and counts of inmates released from County supervision. Wayne County Sheriff’s Office receives a lot of questions about the jail population. This tool was created in an effort to be transparent with the public about the characteristics of our supervised population and to answer some of the common questions we receive about our inmates.

Daily Inmate Population for the Last 30 Days - Jail & Tether

The daily jail population is the numerical sum of all detainees in custody per day. The gold color represents Electronic Monitoring Unit (Tether) detainees, and the green color represents detainees physically housed in the Wayne County Jail (Jail).

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Daily Inmate Population for the Current Year - Jail Only

This population is the sum of all detainees physically housed in the WCJ per day for the current calendar year. The graph displays the lowest, highest, current, and average population counts.

[infogram id=”1p2nzwj2zv1jvzc0qygr2ly315arwp9p9v9?live”]

Daily Inmate Population for the Current Year - Tether Only

This population is the sum of all detainees under the supervision of the Electronic Monitoring Unit (EMU) per day for the current calendar year. This population includes those that are on GPS (Global Positioning System) devices, ALC (Alcohol monitoring) devices, and those that require both monitoring systems known as the Double Dippers. Omni-Link GPS, Track-Group GPS, Sober-Link ALC, and Scram ALC are the types of monitor controls that are currently used by the WCSO. The graph displays the lowest, highest, current, and average population counts.

[infogram id=”1pq9gdk3pm2nn6tqr2krl29e3mf0gldr2z1?live”]

Average Monthly Inmate Counts for Jail & Tether

The average monthly population is calculated by dividing the sum of detainees in custody per day by the number of days per month. This number is calculated separately for detainees physically housed in the jail and those in the community on electronic monitor(s).

[infogram id=”1p32nryx12xyjzi03lz9pypjkmcd007q25p?live”]

Current Inmates by Gender – Jail Only

This is graph displays the percentage of detainees by gender that are currently physically housed in the jail.

[infogram id=”1pj9qwz7x0kqqrs6ged9zm2jg3bmrd0pxzk?live”]

Current Inmates by Gender – Tether Only

This is graph displays the percentage of detainees by gender that are currently on electronic monitor(s).

[infogram id=”1p7vwvzypmg02piz96jly32r7mfnvjnqljr?live”]

Current Inmates by Gender by Facility - Jail Only

This graph displays the number of male and female detainees that are currently housed in each of the jail facilities.

[infogram id=”1pmngpk3g9r309f370xvgrqk2ktzq0k1zrm?live”]

Current Inmates by Age at Booking - Jail Only

This is graph displays the number of detainees that are currently physically housed in the jail by specific age brackets based on their age at the time of booking.

[infogram id=”1pmqxk7ypymlvni3715jqrw9vwuz16pxx9d?live”]

Current Inmates by Age at Booking - Tether Only

This is graph displays the number of detainees that are currently on electronic monitor(s) by specific age brackets based on their age at the time of booking.

[infogram id=” 1pq92p3563vy1yaqrkmr7v3130h0r1p1n9d?live”]

Current Inmates by Race & Ethnicity - Jail Only

This graph displays the percentage of detainees by self-identified race/ethnicity (Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Native American/Alaskan, Other, Unknown, White) that are currently physically housed in the jail.

[infogram id=”1pkzv1wlzyplejb9r0eqnkykl3s3935kr7v?live”]

Current Inmates by Race & Ethnicity - Tether Only

This graph displays the percentage of detainees by self-identified race/ethnicity (Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Native American/Alaskan, Other, Unknown, White) that are currently on electronic monitor(s).

[infogram id=”1pmm7mgjkdp5yrc3wjqnnvjprvf66d3pe1?live”]

Mental Health Consumer - Jail Only

Overall Mental Health Consumer (active, jail only, alert field)

[infogram id=”1p62rxdk5vq3zeu5ywl007g203b37w350gl?live”]

Mental Health Consumer by Gender - Jail Only

Mental Health Consumer (active, jail only, alert field by gender)

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Length of Stay for Current Inmates – Jail Only

[infogram id=”1pv1xylk0lvkdqix06p39qw9wkar3gwkwzj?live”]

Length of Stay for Current Inmates – Tether Only

[infogram id=”1py25edgmrg2zkf3wzqvlk3v9ytydrjvlyz?live”]

Average Length of Stay for Current Inmates – Jail & Tether

[infogram id=”1pvkdrpxmwjy3jcx6kk9md2626sryqle0k5?live”]

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