Category: Sheriff Connect

Posts related to Sheriff Connect

The collaboration between DWIHN and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office highlights the importance of working together to support our community’s mental health needs. It was an honor to have the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office represented at the event, with Undersheriff Mike Jaafar delivering insightful remarks.

In partnership with Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, Dr. Chad Audi, City of Trenton Major Steven Rzeppa and Ecorse Public Schools, WCSO staff ventured to both Ecorse and Trenton giving away Easter Baskets and toys!

March is National Reading Month and Sheriff Washington and Undersheriff Jaafar, made their rounds to several schools throughout Metro Detroit.

Supporting Dr Audi and the Detroit Rescue Mission Ministry as they award a new home to a deserving couple! Burned out of their home in Highland Park recently, Sheriff Washington and WCSO staff were on hand to provide Gift Cards to purchase needed items.

Congratulations to Sgt. Britton Foreman who is now a Certified Cyber Crime Examiner after successfully completing all of the prescribed requirements at the National White Collar Crimes Center.

Sgt. Foreman has applied best practices in digital forensic techniques to image, document, and report on forensically sound digital evidence. This certification helps him qualify as a skilled expert witness and distinguishes him professionally.

Throughout this rigorous training he has mastered the principles, concepts, and skills needed to fight Cyber Crime. We are lucky to have him on the Wayne County Sheriff’s team!

Sheriff Washington and Undersheriff Jaafar swear in new Lieutenants and a new Sergeant. Join the WCSO in congratulating them on this career achievement!


Wayne County Sheriff Deputies we’re excited to participate in Livonia’s “Touch-a-Truck” event, which brightened the lives of residents of all ages!

Wayne County Sheriff’s Office’s Inaugural “Safe Summer Campout” had 200 young people & their parents registered as Sheriff Raphael Washington and President Emeritus Rory Gamble look on! Clowns & Comedians, Recreational Games, Our Mounted Unit, and Safety Presentations by WCSO Deputies, just in time for Back-to-School we’re part of the 3-day weekend!

Today 29-year-old Deandre Williams of Detroit was sentenced to 50-75 years in prison for the murder of 50-year-old Wayne County Sheriff’s Corporal Bryant Searcy. Cpl. Searcy was brutally murdered doing the job he loved. The callous and calculated killing of this 18-year veteran was nothing short of monstrous. A wife lost her devoted partner and a daughter lost her loving father. Cpl. Searcy’s friends, colleagues and this community lost a loyal servant and kind spirit in him. The Wayne County Sheriff’s Office continues to hold Cpl. Searcy’s grieving family in our thoughts and in our prayers.

Sheriff Washington was honored to be the keynote speaker and join other community leaders at the city of Westland’s annual celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy on Monday. “We’ve made giant steps forward, but there is so much to be done,” said Washington. “Let’s all continue his work!”

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