
Wayne County Sheriff’s Office


Hello and Welcome!

At the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office, we understand how important it is to acknowledge and value the lived experiences of community members across Wayne County. Whether it is our fun & engaging youth programs, holiday happenings, or events for our seniors, we are committed to supporting residents throughout the county with quality and safe activities. What we also understand is that we can’t do it all and therefore seek and encourage community partnerships.

On this page, you will see collaborations with organizations that we are excited to partner with. It should be noted, as part of this arrangement, that the organizations listed here, operate independently of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office and the County of Wayne and are not intended to create any legally binding contractual agreement.

With that said, we invite you to mark your calendar with the dates, times, and locations noted on the event flyers, and to visit their website wherever possible, for schedule changes, applicable fees, and other relevant information.

Should you look to partner with our agency, please email Regina Parks, Director of Community Engagement at


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