More than 500 men and women of the WCSO were recently treated during all three shifts to tasty lunches and accolades to show an abundance of appreciation for the essential personnel. The delicious lunches, provided by Sysco and the Wayne County Jail Outreach Ministry (WCJOM), were packed with delectable goodies and the guests of honor—officers, clerical staff and executives—could not have been more appreciative!
The WCJOM is a collaboration of the WCSO, 3rd Judicial Circuit Court, and Catholic Charities. The program identifies participants for enrollment in an effort to reduce recidivism by impacting the mindset of returning citizens. Participants receive help in the form of clothing, food, assistance with past due utility payments, healthcare needs and more. The program aims to provide the participant with coping mechanisms and life skills that promote success at home and in the workplace. WCJOM also assigns mentors to guide participants and provide spiritual encouragement in their areas of faith. The effort is already proving effective. Special thanks to Chair of the Wayne County Jail Ministry Outreach Program Chief Justice Maura Corrigan, Executive Director Deacon Michael Chesley, Treasurer and Executive Director Emily Shewell, Grant Fundraising Coordinator Kelly Herron, Jessica Chesley, Sysco Manager Marty Szymczak and WCSO Director of Classification Michelle Boehmer.