Wayne County Jail Dashboard
The Wayne County Jail Dashboard is powered by generous grant support from the Hudson-Webber Foundation and the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network.
Release Counts for the Last 7 Days
This graph reflects the total number of detainees that have been released from the Wayne County Jail Management System through the Jail within the last 7 days.
Monthly Release Counts for the Last 12 months
This graph reflects the total number of detainees that have been booked into and released from the Wayne County Jail within the last 12 months.
Released Inmates by Felony & Misdemeanor Booking - Jail Only
This graph displays the percentage of detainees released from the jail by their most serious type of charge from 01-01-21 to present.
Released Inmates by Felony & Misdemeanor Booking - Tether Only
This graph displays the percentage of detainees released from the Electronic Monitoring Unit by their most serious type of charge from 01-01-21 to present.